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26 search results for: BORON


Zinc + Boron PLEX (Zn 7%, B 1%)

Unique zinc plus boron complex formulated for optimal soil availability. Correct zinc deficiency in adverse or alkaline soil conditions. Zinc & boron enhance flowering & fruit set. Ideal planting nutrient combination for cotton crops. Boron also facilitates root uptake of calcium for improved quality.


LIGNO-BORON + Moly (B 8%, Mo 2%)

Organic boron & molybdenum complex provides superior foliar uptake. Great nutrient combo for a wide range of crops. Boron is essential for flowering, root function, plant strength and fruit quality. Moly plays a critical role in nitrate conversion, flowering in cucurbits, maize & Merlot grapes, as well as nitrogen fixation in legumes. LIGNO-BORON + Moly […]


Calcium + Boron PLEX (Ca 7%, B 1%)

Calcium chelate plus boron complex for efficient root uptake. Ideal for tree crops & strawberries where high nitrates (eg. calcium nitrate) can produce excessive vegetative growth that compromises fruit quality. Available calcium source without nitrogen to optimise quality & shelf-life. Enhance flowering & fruit set. Boron helps maintain calcium uptake & also improves general crop […]


Boron PLEX (B 7.5%)

Boron polymer with lignosulphonate provides superior uptake & safety compared to boron salts. Binding properties reduce leaching losses of boron from the active root zone. More stable & less subject to lock-up in adverse soil conditions. Higher availability and lower application rates significantly reduces the risk of toxicities occurring. Enhance flowering, calcium uptake & crop […]


LIG-ZINC + Boron (Zn 6%, B 2%)

Chelated zinc with boron complex for rapid foliar uptake. Ideal for pre-flowering & post-harvest application to enhance fruit set & yields. Zinc & boron play critical roles in reproduction and flower development. Promote even fruit set in vines and enhance bud health & setting in almond, pome & stone fruit crops. Enhance quality of brassica […]


LIG-K + BORON® (K 10%, B 2%)

Perfect combination for sizing & finishing off crops. Potassium increases sugar production while boron plays a critical role in sugar transport to fruit. Lift sugar/TSS/baume levels in grape, citrus, tomato & strawberry crops. Increases specific gravity of potato tubers. Improves boll yield & fibre quality in cotton crops. For a high analysis potassium fertigation option […]



The complexed boron polymer with lignosulphonate provides superior foliar uptake to boric acid/sodium borate sprays & prolongs leaf absorption. Boron is essential for flowering and fruit quality in many crops including almonds, avocado, brassica, canola, citrus, olives, poppies, strawberries & vines. LIGNO-BORON is compatible with agri-chemicals & has a high level of crop safety. See […]


Cotton Foliar Sprays

The cotton season is in full swing so what nutrients should growers be looking at to maximise boll yield and quality? Well assuming major nutrient (NPK) inputs are adequate, growers should be looking to address any micro nutrient issues via foliar sprays. The most critical trace elements for cotton production that are likely to be […]